I realize, and have always realized this, that thinking about what it means to be green reminded me that it’s not so simple, is it?

It can be complex. Green energy, environmentally friendly, sustainability… Those phrases, those words, what does it all really mean? 

Again, it’s complex. There are a lot of components and moving parts. 

Do you want to save money by conserving more energy and leaving a smaller carbon footprint? Do you want to preserve and protect the land by contributing less to landfills? Do you reuse grocery bags and compost? Do you buy second-hand? Does the way we consume need to change? Can we not reuse plastic or glass bottles without melting them down and reshaping them? 

The complexity makes it challenging to comprehend. But that’s why this space is here. This is a discussion meant to cover the topics. 

I’m not an expert, but what happens to my planet matters to me. 

That’s my driving force to make changes where I can. I have friends that feel like it’s too much of an effort or rather not make that extra step to simply recycle. 

We, humans, are a fallible species. It takes us time to implement the necessary procedures to keep our planet safe. Unfortunately, it happens on a very slow, bureaucratic timeline. Even when we know a problem exists, there are procedures in place designed to prevent the negative impacts of progress. 

I say, let’s make a small change right now! Don’t think about it in an immense sense.

Think small. Instead of using paper towels as napkins, buy yourself some cute reusable cloth napkins. 

Instead of throwing away your plastic bag, take the time to wash it out and use it a few times. Buy your own reusable straw. Again, I know you have to take the time to clean it, but think of all the seahorses that won’t get plastic straws wrapped up in their beautiful tails. 

Celebrate the small changes you imply. For that, I salute you. 
