Real friends are as rare as supernovas. 

Once you find one, it’s an extraordinary explosive connection. 

An exquisite eruption of love, loyalty, and respect. 

Just as the atoms in the star crumble so closely together that the forces of the compressed core—a bounce that causes the star to explode as a supernova and give birth to a sublime shock wave across the universe. 

The ingredients of a friendship, fuse together bearing the beginning of a beautiful camaraderie heard across the town. 

Friendship is like waves washing up on the sand, going back and forth.

You may move. You may change. 

Life may tear you both apart, but a real friend will stay true.

In friendship, love is found and love can be lost.

When it’s no longer true, when you’ve reached the mountain top, when there’s no more left to climb…

Just as some stars aren’t strong enough to become supernovas, they have reached the main-sequence stage of their life, they derive their energy almost entirely from the core. 

Eventually, all the hydrogen in a star’s core is used up. 

Energy can no longer be achieved. 

The long period of stability now ends. The star’s core will collapse inward. 

Its outer layers will expand becoming a red giant, before cooling on the surface until shrinking entirely and its awe-inspiring light will fade out.

Now as a white dwarf, it’s a small and subpar sphere of light. Never fading out completely, a gentle gleam still glistens where it will remain forever, aimlessly drifting in the fabric of space and time.
