I will admit, it was only about a few years ago that I discovered animal testing was still happening in the U.S. I know it happens in countries like China, but the U.S.? I thought we were better than that!

Nevertheless, I’ve been on a cruelty-free product purge ever since. Googling products left and right in my apartment. I was aghast. Almost every single product I owned allowed animal testing. I felt sickened and outraged. 

How can this be? We must do better. I began my research. 

According to Cruelty Free International, an animal protection and advocacy group, over 115 million animals are being used for animal testing worldwide each year. While many brands are cruelty-free, other brands have decided to start testing on animals by entering the Chinese market, where it’s mandatory there. 

Cats and dogs are commonly used in U.S. medical animal experiments along with bunnies, rats, and mice.

I can’t think of a more brutal way to inflict pain on little innocent and helpless animals. Not only from a humanity point-of-view but there’s also no real reason why animal testing needs to continue. 

In my research, I found there are over 7,000 cosmetic ingredients already proven to be safe. The only reason companies want to test on animals in the U.S. is to develop and test new elements. 

Rather than post the heart-ranching images on my blog, I encourage you to look them up. 

There are an array of affordable, available, and amazing cruelty-free products at your nearest makeup or drug store. They range from high luxury brands such as Hourglass and Charlotte Tilbury, or the less-expensive brands such as Tarte and NYX Cosmetics, and much more.

Cruelty-Free Kitty is a website dedicated to providing an updated list of all cruelty-free makeup brands. Brands change every year. Some become cruelty-free where others turn to torture. 

We need to make cruelty-free more than just a trend. It needs to be a movement. 

By not purchasing products from companies that test on animals, you’re sending a message to the company that they’re losing money because of their cruel practices. 

Where you spend your money, you send forth support for the kind of world you want to live in. 

Support quality of life. Support humanity, not suffering. 

When enough people take a stand, companies will begin to change their practices, and cruelty-free will not only become the model but the law. 

I hope this will inspire you to be aware and force change. Put your money where your heart is. 
