Sorry, I’ve been MIA. It’s been a bit heavy to communicate. But I’ll try…


The world is a different place for a grieving person; 1 year;

Without warning, no one recognizes you and you don’t recognize anyone; 2 years;

Nothing makes sense anymore; 3 years;

Intense feelings of anger, confusion, anguish, despair, loneliness, sorrow, agony, heartbreak wash over you leaving stains; 4 years;

You lose more than what you think you lost. Your mind, your sanity, your emotions, your control, your ability to connect with others; 5 years;

Time moves slow and fast all at once. Every second feels like an hour. Then you open your eyes, and three weeks are gone; 6 years;

Life lost color. What brought you joy and excitement, now give you misery and aloofness; 7 years;

Everyone says they’re here for you, yet you’re isolated in your sadness and stillness; 8 years;

After month one, everyone has moved on, but you’re at a standstill. Still holding on. Paralyzed in your pain-filled regrets and longing to hold your loved one again; 9 years;

Sometimes, grief is like a monster. It will swallow you whole. On those days, hide in bed; 10 years;

Sometimes, grief feels like a chronic illness, you feel like you’re going to die too; 11 years;

Sometimes, grief feels like a kidnapper holding you hostage. You want to go outside. But you can’t; 12 years;

Mornings and nights are like war zones. Mind where you step or look; 13 years;

Any trace of him, any memory is like a land mine. One look at that corner where his belongings were, it will destroy you all over again; 14 years;

You’re an emotional hoarder.; whoever knew how much space emptiness takes up; 15 years.

