We all know that first feeling—that surge of sensation. Adventure is in the air. The thought of a new thrill that wraps you up in its arms, anticipation takes you by the hand and runs you to your closet. Let the packing begin!

Now, I’m certainly no stranger to packing my entire life in a couple of large suitcases. Trust me. I’ve done this way too many times. But there is an art to light packing. Once you master it, you couldn’t imagine packing any other way again. 

It is so wonderful to just effortlessly frolic on your limitless journey through new cities and cultures. Why worry about stuff? 

At the end of the day, you’re not going to remember what you wore on a particular day. You’re going to cherish that time you got on a train, missed your stop, and ended up in the most beautiful place. The buildings you marveled, the food you devoured, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries. Ah, I can almost envision all those things the first time I went to Paris…

When I was preparing to fly to Europe for the first time, and by myself, I’m not kidding when I write; I packed my entire wardrobe. I packed two massive suitcases, a carry-on, and a “personal item,” aka, a massive purse. I could barely carry my bags throughout the airport by myself. It was actually ridiculous! 

I was about to visit my sister for our birthdays. In August 2009, she was turning 19, and I was about to be 21. My sister had already been living in Paris for the last three months because she had got an audition in LA to be a Disneyland princess at the Disneyland Paris Resort. She played Snow White, of course!

Besides the way over-packed luggage and severe jet lag that I also experienced for the first time, I had the absolute time of my life. 

During my time in Paris with my sister, we also traveled to Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and London, UK. We stayed in several hostels. That’s when my love for hostels began.

Initially, it’s a little strange to sleep on a bunk bed in a room with strangers, but you get used to it. They’re all travelers. You all share a common goal, an understanding; we’re all here on an adventure and to explore all we can see in a fragment in time. 

After that first trip to Europe, I learned a very valuable lesson; travel light.

Don’t fill your bags with too much stuff. Instead, fill your passport with stamps. Don’t worry about lots of luggage. Wallow in your wanders. 
