My outfits are sacred to me. My clothes are as holy as the bricks that built El Dorado. The undiscovered kingdom of gold where all your dreams come true. 

And that’s precisely how you should think about yourself when getting dressed. After all, they say your body is your temple, and I try to live by that daily.

Style is not set in stone. It changes as you change. Your style adapts to the conditions of your life, your present moment. 

Finding your style takes time and patience. Its fluid. Experiment with what feels right. 

It probably wasn’t until my late 20s when I felt like I really found my style. I found me. During my late teens and 20s, I went on a rather odd odyssey transformation of style, floundering and stumbling around, experimenting with many different kinds of fabric and garb options.

I think my style matters so much to me because I’m a shy person inherently, and it’s a way I feel I can express who I am. Because of my shyness and soft-spoken nature when I was young, I felt I didn’t have a considerable say in certain decisions in my life. 

I was always searching for something. A specific look. I just didn’t know what. Never strictly following any fashion trend. I didn’t choose a path less traveled. I carved out my own direction entirely.

This is how I would describe each evolution of my style throughout the years: 

Under 16. I was either a tomboy or didn’t recollect what having a style meant. I was just putting clothes on my body miscellaneously, including long old man socks, strange floppy tie-dye hats with Scooby-Doo t-shirts, and bellbottoms.

16-18. Jeans and t-shirt, vans wearing, all-American girl, I’d say. Simple, innocent, and carefree. Inspired hugely by Britney Spears and Jessica Simpson.

18-22. This was a darker time in my life, and I’ll get into that later. I covered up and was painfully insecure during these years. I was in a relationship that wasn’t good for me. I was never more lost than at that time. 

22-24. One word: Awkward. I was out of that relationship, and I was beginning to experiment, but I wasn’t brave enough or knew who I was yet. Matching oddly designed jeans with band t-shirts, wearing old tennis shoes, Always in a baseball cap. Mostly in sweats. My sister tried to enter me in TLC’s “What Not to Wear.” I put a stop to that the moment I found out…

24-26. A bona fide bohemian chick. I was all about the long, flowy skirts, headbands, necklaces, earrings, you name it. I loved anything that looked artistic and unconventional. This was also when I moved to Long Beach. I discovered myself there. I wasn’t afraid anymore. Hello, me. Nice to meet you. 

26-28. I started to get off the bohemian boat and explore new uncharted styles. I officially disavowed jeans for good. I only wore skirts or leggings under skirts. I began dabbling in vintage clothing and adding a little street style. At times, I think I aimed to be a bit too different. One of my best friends told me once that I dressed like a “wannabe Hogwarts girl.” I always thought that was both odd and interesting.

28-now. At long last, I’ve become the person I always wanted to be. Confident in my skin while accepting my imperfections. I would classify my style as a combination of vintage, classic/ preppy, with a little bohemian twist that pops out every once in a while. I’m obsessed with long boots and trench coats. You’ll never catch me dead in a puffer… My style icon is the one and only HRH Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. Duh.

Find what makes you feel comfortable and confident. There’s no real rule book. Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re wrong.

And there’s no reason why you can’t look magnificent at all times. I always like to think there’s no such thing as being overdressed! 

And enjoy the journey of transformation and experimentation along the way if you’re still finding yourself. Remember, it’s the smallest thrift store that holds the most cherished and unique treasures. 😉 
