Posts tagged with: eco-friendly

Poppy & Pout.

When it comes to addiction, the first step is to admit you have an addiction. Hello, my name is Alexis and I’m a lip balm addict. For a while now,... Read More

The veggie burger.

One of my favorite and easy vittles to whip up? The veggie burger.  Whether you make them from scratch or buy the patty and dress it up, it’s a meal... Read More

Vintage YSJ.

Seeking to live out your inner Elizabeth Taylor or Jane Russell? Well, it’s your lucky day! Let me introduce this hidden gem of a vintage wonderland. Take a stroll into... Read More

To green or not to green?

I realize, and have always realized this, that thinking about what it means to be green reminded me that it’s not so simple, is it? It can be complex. Green... Read More