Ah, the infamous selfie. We don’t know a world without them. They dominate and grace every social media platform.

You can instantly notice if someone is an obsessive selfie-er, an occasional selfie-er, or the selfie-opposer. 

Indeed, there’s a mixture of feelings and opinions about the selfie. One thing is for sure, the selfie is either loved and widely accepted by certain crowds or passionately loathed by other groups.

It’s brought up some rather colorful conversations amongst everyone. If you selfie, people seem to think either that you’re beautiful and confident or you’re conceded and narcissistic.

Where is the line between self-love and self-centeredness?

When I joined Instagram back in 2012, it seemed like a normal and natural thing, taking photos of what you see and yourself. After all, it’s your platform.

In 2013, the word “selfie” was adopted into the Oxford Dictionary, and it became the Word of the Year in 2014.

I always felt like I had a good combination of things I see, images of causes I believed in, and photos of me, mostly when I felt like I was having a good hair day, or I loved my outfit. 

I think between 2016-2018, I might’ve started to overdo it. A friend of mine was slightly annoyed by me because of it. It made me rethink what kind of content I should be putting out.

Was I too self-absorbed? 

What I realized was, it’s ok to love yourself and love the way you look. It’s ok to share it with everyone too, just do it in doses. Share yourself but also, share what you love. 

Use your selfies for the power of good and awareness! Selfies can be a great way to promote crucial causes and movements you believe in.

Celebrate your love for yourself. Moreover, we should all strive to commemorate others for their self-love too.

Remember that everyone has their insecurities, so be nice. And knowing not everything needs to be shared. Be selectively witty and unique about your posts.

There is only one and only you.
